Angie Haberer - Project Coordinator, CFSP IIServSafe® Certified

How long have you been with Rapids?

Since June 2011.

Name some of the projects you’ve worked on.

  • Quincy High School Renovation, Quincy, IL
  • Chester Grade School, Chester, IL

What do you like to do on a Sunday afternoon?

Quilt with my mother, sister & daughter.

If we gave you next week off, what would you do with your time?

Spend some time camping or golfing with my family.

What was your last “oh my god this is perfect” meal?

Always my homemade Chicken & Dumplings, fresh green beans, mashed potatoes and topped off with strawberry shortcake.

What is your best dish?

Chicken & Dumplings or Blackberry Cobbler.

Phone: 314-344-1161

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