The Benefits of Cleaning Your Ice Machine with Manitowoc’s LuminIce II

In a study posted in the Business Insider, a Florida student found that the ice at five fast food restaurants contained more bacteria that the toilet water at that same restaurant. Crazy, right?

Take proactive steps to ensure your restaurant doesn’t fit into this (hopefully small) subset of restaurants by regularly cleaning your Manitowoc Ice Machine using LuminIce II Growth Inhibitor. It works by recirculating the air inside your ice machine, exposing it to a UV light that helps to inhibit the growth of yeast, bacteria, etc.

The Advantages of LuminIce II

  • Your food zone stays cleaner for longer periods
  • The stunted growth of bacteria means your ice machine will consume less time and effort during regular cleanings
  • Both the performance and longevity of your ice machine is increased
  • The ice will taste better, meaning your drinks will taste better to customers
  • The number of deep cleanings you will have to do are reduced, saving you money!
    • The cost of one cleaning is $250, while the lifetime cost of LuminIce II is around $750. It pays for itself in savings!

Reduction in Cleanings Annual Savings Savings Over 10 Years Total Net Lifetime Savings
1 cleaning $250 $2500 S1700
2 cleanings $500 $5000 $4250
3 cleanings $750 $7500 $6750
4 cleanings $1000 $10,000 $9250
5 cleanings $1250 $12,500 $11,750
6 cleanings $1500 $15,000 $14,250

Ask us for LuminIce II when ordering your next ice machine – see the current IndigoNXT line at!