Sanitizing Your Scotsman Ice Machine

Following the proper cleaning/sanitation procedures for your Scotsman ice machine will enable it to better handle the current demands of your establishment. Whether that involves shutting the unit down for an extended period of time or expecting business as usual, cleaning the machine using Scotsman-recommended processes will help extend the lifespan of your unit. It can also help minimize the spread of COVID-19 when you increase the frequency of your cleaning.

Tips on Preparing Your Nor-Lake Equipment for an Extended Shutdown

If you’ve had to make the difficult decision to turn off your Nor-Lake refrigeration equipment while the nation handles the fallout from COVID-19, we know you have a lot on your plate. We want to help take one worry off your chest – the following tips should help ensure that, when you are able to do so, restarting your refrigeration system is problem-free. These tips come directly from Nor-Lake, so you can rest assured they incorporate best practices for your equipment.

Kyle Brewer – DEEM Winner April 2020

Delivering Excellence in Every MomentApril 2020 Kyle Brewer Project Coordinator & Design Specialist Nominator: Luke Green For: Being Personally Accountable “Kyle has been working on several of my projects recently where Architects have changed wall...