Hot Dog Equipment Necessities

Foodservice Equipment Reports recently put together the article Equipping for a Hot Dog Concept and reached out to Rapids’ very own Tom Roberts for input!

We’ve expanded on some of their ideas below to help you decide what equipment you need to add hot dogs to your offerings, exploring everything from traditional steamer and roller grills to more versatile charbroilers and conveyor toasters.

Hot Dog Steamers

Countertop top hot steamers come in various setups and capacities, making it easy to choose the one that will best fit the demands of your business – if you think your hot dogs will just fly out of the steamer, it’s great to know you can pick one that will hold more than 150 hot dogs at once! Many also double as a bun warmer to reduce the amount of space you need to devote to your latest menu addition. Some even have a self-serve design, which makes it all the more convenient for both you and your customers.

hot dog steamers
hot dog roller grills

Roller Grills

Speaking of self-service, hot dog roller grills are the most popular choice for convenience stores and other operations that want a low-maintenance hot dog concept. They require little in the way of employee supervision, are easy for customers to interact with, and can include bun storage.

While roller grills do not have nearly the capacity of a hot dog steamer (usually they can cook less than 100 hot dogs at once), there are still quite a few options to choose from. The 360 degree roller rotation ensures uniform cooking results and creates a more authentic grilled flavor compared to steamers.

Hot Dog Broilers

Broilers utilize the same concept as a rotisserie – rotating the hot dogs near the heat source cooks the meat evenly and keeps them at the optimal temperature until served to your customer. Because of the unique design of these broilers, their capacity is far less than that of a roller grill or a steamer, but they make up for the smaller capacity in merchandising value.

A bun warmer is frequently incorporated into broiler designs, which helps you consolidate the amount of space you need for hot dog serving.

hot dog broilers
hot dog charbroilers


Charbroilers are a great option because they can be used for more than just hot dogs. And if your kitchen already has one, you may be able to add hot dogs to your menu without any new equipment (depending, of course, on how many hot dogs you plan on cooking and the other foods you prepare on your charbroiler).

Customers will also appreciate the similarities to hot dogs cooked on outdoor grills – that texture and flavor just cannot be achieved with a broiler or steamer.

Hot Food Wells

As hot dogs are pre-cooked, all you really need to serve them is equipment that will make/keep them hot and moist. A hot food well will fill this need easily. The traditional design involves a pan, water, and a drain, but recent innovations have led to the availability of waterless versions that use conduction or induction.

These are also a great option to hold toppings such as chili, grilled onions, and sauerkraut because they can hold temperature very effectively.

hot dog hot food wells
hot dog bun warmers

Bun Warmers

Hot dog bun warmers (available in both moist and dry heat options) enhance your customer’s eating experience without requiring a lot of extra effort on the part of your employees.

Frequently, bun warmers are built into the actual hot dog cooking equipment, but they are available separately as well. Depending on your bun demand, you can choose a warmer that holds as few as 24 buns or one that holds as many as 144.

Conveyor Toasters

Conveyor toasters can be used to not only warm hot dog buns, but also to add a level of crispness that heightens the flavor. They are a good choice for establishments that offer a variety of toasted products, as they are extremely versatile and can be used on everything from bread (all varieties and flavors) to hamburger buns and more!

hot dog bun conveyor toasters
hot dog condiment holder prep table

Sandwich/Pizza Prep Tables

Don’t forget about your toppings! Prep tables provide a convenient space for holding your toppings in a refrigerated area, as well as a workspace for completing your hot dog masterpiece before handing it off to the customer. Available in several lengths, these prep tables can concurrently store sandwich or pizza toppings as well, saving you space!


Last but not least, if you want your customers to be able to garnish their hot dog themselves, you’ll want a condiment area complete with ketchup and mustard pumps. Many also have space for onions, napkins, or anything else customers may want to put on their hot dog!

hot dog condiment holder


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