Preserving Historical Significance through Innovative Kitchen Design
Many challenges were faced to properly provide a functional kitchen for the staff while observing the building codes required to have the building still be listed among those of historical significance. Equipment was selected that was either vent-free or channeled through a sophisticated pollution control unit that funnels it out of the back of the building. Thus preserving the structural integrity and original design of the building.
Even paint schemes and the original ticket counters were preserved in the design, making this one of the most beautiful historic depots left standing in the U.S. Only now the space is also a draw for parties, special gatherings, and dining out.
Design Challenges with Historic Buildings | Tony Mills
Rapids Design
VR Tour
VR available with the use of Google Cardboard, your VR headset and your phone. Service provided by Rapids. Ask for details.
Union Depot Specialized Pollution Control Unit
Configured into the commercial kitchen hood system for channeling exhaust through the back of the building preserving it’s status as an official historic building. Also visible is the long draw glycol unit that keeps the beer cold from the walk-in to the beer tower at the bar.
Meet Our Specialists!
Below are just a few of the people you might work with when you come to Rapids – take a look at their bios to learn a little bit more about what they will bring to your project!

Thomas Roberts
Contract & Design Specialist

Eric Schmitt
Eric’s most challenging project was an Army Reserve Center kitchen, due to the many people involved in the decision-making process. He thinks that all of his dishes are amazing, but his daughter would say his Frozen-themed pancakes are the best. Learn more…
Rapids Contract & Design serves the United States with locations in Iowa, Minnesota, and Missouri. Our experts are ready to assist with your foodservice needs—contact us for support, Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM CST.
or call (800) 899-6604