Kade Yanda - Project Manager

How long have you been with Rapids?
I have been employed by Rapids since 2012 however just recently joined the Contract and Design Team.

What was your favorite project? Why?
My favorite project so far is Rhythm City Casino. I was able to go on site and see what the almost final results were of our process as Rapids Foodservice Contract and Design.

What was your most challenging project? Why?
I would have to say Rhythm City Casino as well. As problems arose it was hard to piece together what was being done and why because I’m in the office.

What was your solution?
When I went on site, I was able to see what the issues were in person, and it was easier to help manufacturers understand what needed to be done in order to resolve said issues. It also helped me piece together what in the world we were talking about.

Name some of your other previous projects.
As I’m new to Contract and Design, Rhythm City Casino was my first so I don’t have any priors. However, I’m excited to see Madison Street Residence Hall come together as I have worked on that project from the beginning.

What do you like to do on a Sunday afternoon?
Relax, hang out with my kids, and cook dinner.

If we gave you next week off, what would you do with your time?
Go on a road trip with my kids.

What was your last “oh my god this is perfect” meal?
Oh my, that’s a hard one. I would have to say when I went to my best friend’s house. She is from the East Coast and can cook anything and everything. We like to eat and as always there are more than enough people over to eat it all. We had BBQ Bone-In Chicken Breast, BBQ Pork Spare Ribs, BBQ Arm Roast with Roasted Red Smashed Potatoes, Corn on the Cob, and Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Jalapenos. You can’t go wrong with a home cooked meal.

What is your best dish?
BBQ Baby Back Ribs & Roasted Red Garlic Potatoes

Phone: 319.447.3520

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