Jason Andriano - Project Coordinator

How long have you been with Rapids?
I’ve been with Rapids since February 2024!

What do you like to do on a Sunday afternoon?
Ideally, my Sunday would include some sort of dedicated physical exercise, a round of disc golf, a practice session on my trombone, and spending time with my friends!

If we gave you next week off, what would you do with your time?
If given a week off of work, I would get caught up on any of the various projects I’m involved with (non-Rapids related of course!).

What was your last “oh my god this is perfect” meal?
The most recent perfect dish I’ve had the pleasure of enjoying is when my friend Julia made quiche with home-smoked pork belly and gruyère!

What is your best dish?
My most-requested dish is from-scratch pasta alfredo with sun-dried tomatoes

Contact Jason Andriano

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