Mark Letizio - Contract Sales

How long have you been with Rapids?

Since 2015.

What was your favorite project? Why?

Eds Supper Club. It’s a hometown project for me and my first completed project.

What was your most challenging project?  Why?

I would have to go with Eds Supper Club, I built the relationship, and since it was a hometown project I wanted to do well.

Name some of the projects you’ve worked on. 

  • Mayo Clinic
  • 3M
  • Lexington
  • Eds Supper Club

What do you like to do on a Sunday afternoon?

Watch football and bring my dog to the dog park.

If we gave you next week off, what would you do with your time?

I would probably take a road trip somewhere. During the summer, I would go to the cabin up in Northern Minnesota. During the winter, I’d go South to California and visit friends.

What was your last “oh my god this is perfect” meal?

Anything my Grandma cooks. My family originates from southern Italy (Sicily), a lot of dishes are made with seafood and spice.

What is your best dish?

My “go-to” is pizza on the grill. I am not a big cook because I was an only child in a large Italian family full of women. Needless to say, I was spoiled when it came to some great home cooked meals. I picked up a few tricks watching them, and I have mastered my fresh ingredient homemade grilled pizza.

Phone: 651-269-1490

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